Our Plans for a Safe Summer 2024
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We will ask all campers to provide their own lunch/snacks daily (Monday - Thursday). We believe that this is a simple way to reduce transmission. (We apologize to you- our parents for this- we know that not making lunch is a treat, but for us the possibility of transmission just isn’t worth the risk at this time). Friday we will be providing Gabriel's pizza for all campers.
More Changes for 2024
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As of today, all camps will run weekly from June 24 until August 30, 2024.
We continue to fine-tune our COVID-19 precautions. Please check back to see how we will be keeping your kids safe this summer. We will also be following both the Ottawa Public Health and provincial public health policies as well as the Ontario Camps Association COVID-19 protocols to ensure that we have a safe summer and minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Which Camp and When?
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Capital Camps is committed to implementing increased safety procedures and policies to minimize health risks and to provide your child with an amazing summer camp experience. We are committed to doing all that we can to make Capital Camps as safe as we possibly can this summer.
Delivering a Safe Experience
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Throughout our 22-year history, Capital Camps’ primary focus has been delivering a safe experience for campers and staff. Summer 2024 will call for additional considerations in the areas of health and safety as guided by the requirements of Public Health. Given these additional safety measures, some aspects of summer 2023 will look and feel different. It is our goal to maintain the spirit and traditions of a Capital Camps experience where campers will benefit from being kids again – enjoying our camp setting, among friends old and new, and participating in fun camp activities.
Closer to the summer, we will release our detailed COVID-19 Safety Guide.
Here are some key elements and main considerations of our safety planning:
Our large indoor and outdoor locations will allow for a natural advantage to provide open-air, outdoor activities and allows for physical distancing amongst groups
Daily home health screenings
Increased availability and implementation of handwashing and sanitizing procedures
Enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols/schedules
Additional activity supplies and equipment to reduce common touch surfaces
Extensive staff training in safety procedures and best practices including specific education related to COVID-19
Camp-wide signage to reinforce safety procedures and hygiene
Regular open communication between camp and home
Applying the necessary COVID-19 Public Health protocols should a case of infection be identified
Working closely with the local Public Health department before and during camp
Primary Components of a Safe Summer
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Registration is now opened. Please click here to see what camps are available for summer 2024.
Registration opening
January 9 2024
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At Capital Camps, we pride ourselves in communicating with families in a transparent, thoughtful, and thorough manner. We remain committed to open dialogue and communication with families every step of the way.
Rest assured that we will continue to keep families well informed leading up to Summer 2024. Information sharing as it relates to health and safety will be a priority, and we can’t wait to also share updates about all of the camp fun that we are so eager and excited to return to.
We are always happy to discuss any questions or concerns you have about the upcoming summer. Feel free to reach out to us at 613-276-4307 or by email at aaron@capitalcamps.ca .